UAE sends 27 tonnes of food and medicine to Ukrainian refugees in Poland


In an effort to alleviate the humanitarian repercussions of the displacement of Ukrainians, the United Arab Emirates sent a plane full of food and medical supplies to help support Ukrainian refugees in Poland. The effort was part of continued efforts by the UAE to help alleviate the humanitarian distress of Ukrainians and refugees.

UAE sends 27 tonnes of food and medicine to Ukrainian refugees in PolandSalem Ahmed Al Kaabi, the UAE ambassador to Ukraine, reiterated the UAE’s commitment to helping the humanitarian relief efforts, and to supporting and assisting Ukrainian refugees. The UAE leadership believes in humanitarian solidarity and in the values and principles of supporting the people of the world and standing by them during their humanitarian crises.

The UAE has sent six planes packing 156 tonnes of food and medical aid to Poland and Moldova since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, as part of its announcement of a donation of AED18.3 million (US$5 million) in response to the United Nations‘ Humanitarian Flash Appeal to provide the region with immediate aid, and the Regional Refugee Response Plan. In cooperation with international organizations in Dubai, the Dubai International Humanitarian City (IHC) sent 124 tonnes of relief supplies and shelter equipment.